Monday, February 11, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Trying out Menu Plan Monday. I can't provide the banner yet. I need to ask my daughter how to save to hard drive and then upload the banner. However here is the link to
and here is my Menu Plan if you care to check it out:
Sunday: Shepards Pie (using extra potatoes from a previous dinner that I froze)

Monday: Black Bean Sausage Stew (slow cooker recipe)

Tuesday: Venison Pasties with veggies

Wednesday: Salmon Chowder/ Tomato Soup(for the kid who doesn't like fish) w/ raviolis
Thursday: Chicken wraps w/salad(have some cooked chicken I could use in a rush)

Friday: Homemade pizza w/lots of veggies

Saturday: Pasta w/sauce and salad

Menu Planning has saved me sooo much money. Because I don't go to the grocery store unless the menu is planned. That way I'm not buying what I already have. Happy eating

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